Safety Tek Industries is proud to announce the opening of their 600 square foot training facility and showroom at their Bakersfield, California location.

A Liberty Mutual Insurance report showed that the most disabling injuries cost American employers more than $53 billion a year in workers' compensation costs.

Area Monitoring and Analysis

At Safety Tek Industries, it is our standard practice to perform personnel and area monitoring in accordance with applicable National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) sampling protocol. Sampling capabilities include:

  • Various chemicals
  • Metals
  • Acids and bases
  • Volatile organic compounds
  • Inorganic compounds
  • Particulates
  • Gases

An accredited laboratory will always perform the analysis of sample medium. Final exposure assessment will include the laboratory results and recommendations to reduce exposure.

We also boast noise monitoring capabilities that include area and personnel monitoring using new state of the art data-logging noise dosimetry and digital sound level meter. Final exposure assessment will include the technical results and recommendations to reduce exposure.

Safety Tek Industries

A nationally recognized full-service provider of safety supplies, solutions and services.


Learn about Safety Tek's confined space rescue services.

Learn about Safety Tek's offshore operations.