Safety Tek Industries is proud to announce the opening of their 600 square foot training facility and showroom at their Bakersfield, California location.

Fatal injuries in confined spaces fluctuated from a low of 81 in 1998 to a high of 100 in 2000 during the five-year period, averaging 92 fatalities per year.

First Aid/CPR/AED/Bloodborne Pathogen (29 CFR 1910 Subpart K, 1926 Subpart C)

Do you need First Aid/CPR/AED or Bloodborne Pathogen training for work? Do you want to know what to do in the event of an emergency ? Do you have a professional duty to respond to emergencies? We offer low cost CPR, First Aid, AED and BBP training. Some OSHA regulations require employers to provide medical emergency response capabilities depending on the hazards encountered.

We teach the American Red Cross medical emergency response curriculum which consists of:

  • Adult First Aid/CPR/AED - 6.5 hours
  • BBP - 2 hours

Safety Tek Industries

A nationally recognized full-service provider of safety supplies, solutions and services.


Learn about Safety Tek's confined space rescue services.

Learn about Safety Tek's offshore operations.